Ffxv Comrades Play First Mission Again


  • Estimated trophy difficulty: 3.5/10 (Personal Estimate)
  • Online trophies: Trophies can all be done offline and online.
  • Approximate amount of time to 100%: 40-50 hours (starting fresh), 6-10 hours (if you've previously earned all the trophies in the base game version)
  • Minimum number of playthroughs: One story playthrough, one expanded story playthrough, up to four completions of "Comrades: Departure" quest, one of each "Bonus Quest," plus many replays of quests to farm kW, grind materials, spawning a specific cook, and Chocobo.
  • Number of missable trophies: 0
  • Glitched trophies: None
  • Does difficulty affect trophies?: No difficulty settings
  • Do trophies stack?: Multiple regions available to stack
  • Do cheat codes disable trophies?: No cheats
  • Additional peripherals required?: None.


Caw kids! It's mcolwander90 with another guide for Final Fantasy XV: Comrades. Now in standalone form! Comrades is a multiplayer mode for Final Fantasy XV. You'll team up with a merry band of friends, strangers, or AI with your very own Kingsglaive as you progress through the story and beyond. This mode is in a similar format to Monster Hunter where you select a quest, defeat enemies, collect loot, upgrade weapons, repeat. Trophies aren't difficult, but it takes time, and you have one trophy that's typically reliant on luck. However, there is a method that can force it. You'll just need to boost it. Sit back, create your avatar, and enjoy your very own adventure in the XV canon!

This mode used to be accessible in the main game. However, as of December 2018, they removed the mode from the main game and released this standalone. With this, we get an entirely new trophy list! The standalone includes all previous updates and additions to the mode as well as new content.

If you've already done all the trophies for this mode in the base game, you know what to expect. Luckily for you, there are a handful of trophies that auto-pop.


If I purchased Comrades previously, do I still need to buy the Standalone?

You do not. If you've already purchased Comrades, either individually or through the Season Pass, the Standalone version will be free.

Does my save data from the main game transfer over to the Standalone?

Yes. Everything transfers over to the Standalone version. You won't be able to tell the difference!

Where does this take place in the story?

Comrades takes place between Chapter 13 and Chapter 14 in the main story. The quest "Comrades: Departure", introduced in the March 2018 update, takes place during Chapter 14. I highly recommend you either get to the start of Chapter 14 or complete the main story before bothering with this mode, it will spoil important plot points otherwise.

Do I Have to Play Online?

Nope! The game allows you to play with AI companions. Meaning, every trophy is obtainable offline. However, you will be subjected to AI who aren't the smartest bunch. Playing online is easier as you can often find yourself with beefed up teammates.

So is Playstation Plus Required?

Also Nope! Because you can play offline, and without an internet connection entirely, a subscription is not necessary.

What's a kW?

A Kilowatt! A kilowatt is 1000 watts. The idea of the mode is to light up Lucis. You do that by amassing kWs. You accumulate kW by completing quests, and you can spend those to unlock more paths on the map. This will give you more quests, more Sigils, and so on. Some spots on the map even give you kWs. You can also purchase Meteorshards (the source of kW) making the kW grind go by much faster.

Anything Else I Should Know?

Most of your attack and magic power will come from weapon modifications, so keep utilizing that to get stronger. Each quest, you can hold on to an ingredient. You can only hold one of these at a time, but when you get knocked out, this will allow you to "respawn" after 20 seconds. If you aren't holding anything, you'll be taken back to the hub and you get nothing for your troubles. Try to make sure you're always holding something. If you just respawned, prioritize finding a new ingredient before getting back into the fight.


Step One - Create your Kingsglaive and Begin the Story:

Create your Kingsglaive however you please, and follow the story. Your path is rather linear in the earlier going as you're being introduced to how everything works. Things open up once you receive your first Sigil.

Also, take the time to level up a weapon to LV 30. You'll quickly be able to obtain a weapon that can reach LV 30 and enough loot to do so. Since you'll be leveling up numerous weapons to this point and beyond, you'll get this naturally along the way. This is simply the earliest point you can do so, and it might make the earlier portion of the game go more smoothly if you get it out of the way now as it makes your weapon stronger.

Completing this step will earn you:

Fine Craftsmanship
City of Light
Royal Protection

Step Two - Light up the Four Outposts, and Finish the Story:

Once you complete Step One, you'll be given a mission to light up four Outposts. This is the meat of the story mode. Collect kW, light up paths on the map, and make your way to the four outposts. Once you light up all four, you'll be able to face off against the final boss and complete the base story.

Also, make sure you get the first six Sigils in the process. One being obtained via story, and the others found throughout the map. You won't be able to progress to the second part of the main story until you complete the original story, and collect those Sigils, as that gives you access to Chocobos.

Completing this step will earn you:

A Glaive's Duty

Step Three - Expanded Story and Chocobos

Upon completing Step Two, you'll gain access to more of the map, more story, as well as your first Chocobo. This begins with a tough Urgent quest that'll you'll have to complete before continuing. Complete that quest, and power up the new area "Hidden Harbor". Doing so will give you access to Chocobo Stables and Chocobo Rescue quests. Obtain a LV 50 or higher Chocobo and train it to LV 99. This will be a major help in completing the next step.

Completing this step will earn you:

Birdy Builder

Step Four - The Search for More Sigils

This mode originally released with six Sigils, which you should've gotten in Step Two as you progress through the original part of the story. The expanded story update introduced the remaining seven. Once you've obtained 12 of them, you'll unlock a path to Insomnia. This is where the final Sigil is, and it requires you to defeat a boss to complete the collection.

Completing this step will earn you:

Blessings of Yore

Step Five - Bonus Quests

New to this Standalone are Bonus Quests. You can find these by talking to the little floating orb at the top of the steps in Lestallum. There are eight quests to take on, and a ninth once you beat all of those. The eighth and ninth fights will likely be the most difficult fights you'll encounter.

Completing this step will earn you:

Loyalty to Royalty
Vanquisher of Villainy
Golden Nester

Step Six - Collect kW:

Save this until the very end to minimize grinding as much as possible. Filling up the map itself isn't necessary. However, it's the best way to gauge how close you are to 999,999 kW. Plus, it doesn't hurt to fill it up anyways. This will be where you spend most of your time with this Expansion. There are many ways to build up kW whether you want to go the efficient route or you just want to continue enjoying the mode. Take whatever approach you want, and you'll eventually amass enough kW.

Completing this step will earn you:

Lights Over Eos

Step Seven - Miscellaneous:

There's a good chance you're already done with Comrades at this point. Come Back, Kenny! is random, so you may not have earned this one yet. You should've completed a Secret Mission along the way, but in case you haven't, try to complete one of those. Also, you may have put off on fighting each of the King's companions. This would be a good time to grab those and wrap this up if you haven't already.

Completing this step will earn you:

Welcome to the Crow's Nest
King of Combat
A Reliable Warrior

[PST Would Like to Thank mcolwander90 for this Roadmap]

  • Powered up all facilities in Lestallum.

    Story related and cannot be missed.

    Once you reach Lestallum at the start of the game, you'll be tasked with lighting up the city. This will also allow you to gain access to shops and weapon modifications. You'll only start off with one quest, but gain a few more as you progress in lighting up the city. The amount of kW required to do so isn't a lot, so it'll only take a few quests to have enough kW.

    Once you completely illuminate Lestallum, you will earn this trophy.

    Standalone Auto-Pop: Check the Power Map, and this should pop (Credit to Pokedude97).

  • Story related and cannot be missed.

    The Royal Sigils are depicted on the map as a sword, which also looks like a Cross. You will be getting this very early on.

    This will occur after you completely power up Lestallum (see: Beacon of Hope). Go to the map, and you'll only have one path available. Once you fill in those nodes, you'll be forced to do a quick solo quest where you protect a man as he brings in the coffin of a former King. It's very simple. Once you complete that, you'll go through some plot points, and you'll eventually gain your first Sigil. You will earn the trophy when that scene is finished.

    Standalone Auto-Pop: You'll receive this automatically when you log on (Credit to Pokedude97).

  • Crafted a weapon of Level 30 or higher.

    Early on, you will receive access to weapon modifications. Here, you can level up weapons using the loot you acquire through defeating enemies. Each piece of loot gives a certain amount of EXP as well as a stat bonus like strength or fire resistance. Weapons have varying max levels. Obtaining weapons with a max level of 30 is easy to come by as you'll very likely level up many weapons past 30. The Katana has a max level of 30, which I believe is the default weapon for everybody. If you level that up, this could very well be the first trophy you earn.

    You can also remodel certain weapons into newer, more powerful, weapons by focusing on upgrading certain stats. You'll know a weapon can be remodeled if it has a little progress bar under a specific stat such as strength or ice damage. To remodel, you need to max out that bar before you reach the weapon's max level. To do that, level up your weapon with loot that boosts that specific stat. Once you max that, and finish leveling up that weapon, your weapon will be remodeled. It'll get a fancy new name and more levels to work with. This will be immensely helpful on your road to become the most powerful Kingsglaive there ever was.

    When upgrading your weapons, strength is a really helpful stat to build up. As you would expect, this increases the amount of damage you do, which will lessen the time and difficulty it takes to beat quests by way of brute force. Thus, it makes your later grinds much more painless.

    You will have to do this again if you're playing this a second time with the Standalone.

  • Met the owner of the Crow's Nest Diner.

    After every mission, a character from the main story will cook you a meal. This functions the same way as it does in the main game where food gives you a boost. This could apply to the next mission (such as boosted attack, increased drops), immediate gain (like EXP boost), or used outside of battle (discounted prices, boost in weapon synthesizing). The character that shows up is seemingly RNG with Monica being the most frequent character you will see.

    The character you're looking for is Kenny. No, not Kenny Crow the really creepy bird mascot. You may see Kenny Crow over the course of your adventure, but he sadly won't give you a trophy. The Kenny you're looking for is the owner of the Crow's Nest Diner who prepares burgers and fries for your crew. Kenny can show up at any time. He can show up after your first mission. He can show up while you're farming kW. Or he won't show up until long after you're done with everything else as was the case for me. Luckily, there's a method that forces him to be the cook:

    Credit to Stan64 for discovering this, and credit to shrapx for putting these instructions together.

    Quote: Originally Posted by shrapx


    The general idea is to complete the mission Urgent: Marauding Midgardsomr while collecting no food, either at the base camp or in the mission. This is done with 4 players.

    Step 1.) Get a group of 4 players, each having unlocked Urgent: Marauding Midgardsomr as a mission under the Old Lestallum mission list.
    Step 2.) Have each player member boot up the game and get ready to play. It's recommended to close your current game, restart the game from the XMB and load your save, rather than continue a longer already open game, to minimize any glitches that may have compiled while playing.
    Step 3.) Each player should be in Lestallum. Approach Monica and select the mission Urgent: Marauding Midgardsomr.
    Step 4.) This is the hard part... Once just ONE player joins the host room, the host can no longer retry looking for players. That means, the countdown timer on the hosts room will expire and the mission will begin. Any non-player spots will be filled with AI characters, who will collect food. So, the best method I can recommend to do this right is as follows:

    Step 5.) In the base camp, have every member approach the barrel and begin the mission. Do NOT collect any food items using in the base camp.
    Step 6.) Complete the mission with no members collecting any food items in the mission, by pressing .
    Step 7.) If everything works, at the end of the mission all 4 players should have no ingredients in their inventory and Kenny will appear to cook for you.

    We had numerous issues with monsters not spawning. All 4 of us closed the application and started over, and got the trophy first try afterwards.
    This game is a buggy mess. I'd recommend doing this now cause if they patch it, who knows if this will work...

    In general, many theorize that if you complete any quest with no items held by anyone at any point, Kenny has a much higher chance of appearing. This quest practically guarantees it. I have yet to see someone try this and fail. I, personally, tested this out with a few others once and we got Kenny. I can't say for certain this is a 100% guarantee as the odds may just be really really high. I also cannot guarantee this won't be patched out in the future. If it does, I will update this guide.

    I've also found he reliably spawns when doing a Daily Quest. He spawned consecutively when the entire party finished with no items. May not be a guarantee, but it's worth keeping in mind.

    If you would like to boost this, head over the the Boosting Thread.

    You will have to do this again if you're playing this a second time with the Standalone.

  • Raised a chocobo to Level 99.

    What would a Final Fantasy game be without Chocobos?! You can train them up and even send them to an Arena to fight enemies for Gil (among other things). First things first, find the Black Chocobo in Lestallum. It's near the Power Plant not far from where you found the King's companions. The Chocobo will not appear until you complete the original story as well as acquire the first six Sigils. Sadly, this Chocobo is incapable of reaching LV 99. However, it can get you to the "Hidden Harbor". This serves as a second Hub area, which is good if you are getting bored of Lestallum. Once you power up the harbor, you have access to Stables, which you'll find by interacting with the main Lighthouse elevator.

    To get a Chocobo to level 99, you first need to acquire a Chocobo that has a base level of 50 or higher. Color doesn't matter to the best of my knowledge. To acquire your new feathered friend, you need to "rescue" a Chocobo by completing quests with the Chocobo marker seen here:

    The mission it appears next to is random. Complete this mission, and you'll obtain a Chocobo. Again, shoot for LV 50 or higher. Once you have it, you can begin training. If possible, I suggest taking a moment to back up your save in the event you screw up.

    You gain levels by putting your Chocobo through training sessions. This will also be how you upgrade your Chocobo's stats. Chocobos have three stats they can grow in: Stamina, Jump, Top Speed. There are separate sessions that focus on each stat, one the focuses on all three of them, Rest, and Motivation. You have a limited amount of sessions before reaching the max level, so use your sessions wisely. Under one or multiple stats, you'll see a bar. This functions similarly to remodeling weapons. Fill the bar(s) up before reaching max level, and you'll unlock the next batch of levels. Continue on until you reach 99.

    Of course, the journey isn't a smooth one. Training takes up energy, and your Chocobo can get exhausted. If you filled up the right bars to unlock the next batch of levels, and still have a session or two to go before the current max, it may be wise to rest up. Also, your Chocobo can get hurt. This is seemingly random. When this happens, it takes a session or two of rest for you to continue your training, dependent on exhaustion. Keep on working your way up the ladder, and your Chocobo will reach LV 99!

    It's a little tough to describe, but it's easy to get the hang of. If you're a visual learner, or my explanation was inefficient, devaster uploaded a video going through the process:

    Standalone Auto-Pop: Go to the Chocobo Stable, and you will receive the trophy (credit to Pokedude97).

  • Completed a Secret Mission.

    Secret Missions often pop up before starting a mission (when you arrive at the camp). You'll have a goal, which if you succeed, you get bonus experience, Gil, kW, etc. It's highly advisable to try to succeed in those whenever possible. I found they always appear when playing with human allies online. The mission are always ensuring one of your human allies survives the quest. Very easy unless you're attempting one of the more difficult missions. There's no penalty for failing. You just don't get the bonuses. All you have to do is complete one of these, and the trophy will pop after the quest wraps up.

Secret trophies

  • Bested the Chosen King's companions.

    After a certain period of time, a very familiar face shows up to Lestallum. To fight him, go over by the Power Plant and he'll be standing nearby. Talk to him, fight him, defeat him, get a reward. After a while, another familiar face shows up. Same process. Then finally, the third familiar face shows up. Again, same process. Once you beat the third companion, you will unlock the trophy.

    I found it best to hold off on this until you're really strong. Not just being at a high level, but also properly leveling your weapons (such as a high strength weapon). That way, you can breeze through them without issue by way of brute force. If you hold off on doing this until closer to the end, you don't have to wait long for the next companion to show up. Just do any quest, and they'll arrive in Lestallum.

    Standalone Auto-Pop: You'll receive this automatically when you log on (Credit to Pokedude97).

  • Witnessed the awakening of King Noctis.

    Story related and cannot be missed.

    Once you receive your first Sigil, you'll be tasked with illuminating four different outposts: Meldacio, Old Lestallum, Cauthess Depot, and Galdin Quay.

    Below, you'll find a completely filled map. This will give you an idea of the path you should take for each outpost. The map will expand further once you complete this story mission.

    See the long, straight, line from Lestallum to Old Lestallum? It takes 60,000 kW to create that path. Don't do it. It's a waste of kW, and you'll slow yourself down. You're much better off using that 60,000 to fill more nodes on the map, unlock new quests and so on. Save this node for last when filling out the map.

    There will be certain points when you're blocked from progressing down a path. These require you to complete "Urgent" missions. They aren't really urgent as you can take your time, and complete them when you're ready. However, you can't advance from that point until you complete it. I found it easier to do those online as you'll often be matched with stronger/smarter party members than your AI companions.

    Once you light up the fourth and final outpost, you'll have the opportunity to go fight the final boss and finish the story. With the final boss, you will be at the mercy of AI companions. You will also only have one ingredient each without the ability to pick up more. So if you die, you're completely dead. At lower levels/strength, this is tough and can be a bit overwhelming. I still recommend trying it as soon as it's available. If you succeed, perfect. If not, you'll have an idea how much stronger you need to be. There's no real strategy needed as everything you've learned up until this point should suffice. Once you understand all of the bosses attack, it's just a matter of whether or not you're strong enough to handle it. Once you defeat it, you'll earn the trophy in the cutscene after the credits.

    You will have to do this again if you're playing this a second time with the Standalone.

  • Amassed an output of 999,999 kW.

    This is likely where you'll be devoting most of your time. Over time, you will be amassing kW through quests. Thankfully, this is cumulative, so feel free to fill up the map. The downside to this is that you only know how much kW you have presently. There's no way to check how much you've obtained all together. If you were to fill the base map (so not including the expanded map unlocked upon earning Cleaving a Path), you'd be short roughly ~369,000 kW. By filling out the the entire map, I estimate you would be 150,000-175,000 kW short. From there, begin farming. Once you're in that range, keep checking the map and the trophy will eventually pop.

    Two easy missions to farm are Roboresurrection and Ghost in the Machine. Once you're strong enough and/or have a strong enough team, the missions themselves take about a minute or two to complete. Loading and whatnot will add a few minutes to each run, which will test your patience. Those two appear to be the most efficient way to farm kW.

    Luckily, grinding isn't the only way to amass kW. You can buy them as well! All you need is access to Old Lestallum and Gil. Credit to RachP13 for finding this and bringing it to my attention.

    Quote: Originally Posted by RachP13 View Post You can buy meteorshards from a fisherman in Old Lestallum. He is at the far end of town and down stairs to the left. It makes the grind a lot quicker.

    This is the price breakdown:

    500,000 Kw = 222,000 gil
    100,000 Kw = 45,000 gil
    50,000 Kw = 24,000 gil
    10,000 Kw = 5,400 gil
    5,000 Kw = 3,000 gil

    Standalone Auto-Pop: Check the Power Map, and this should pop (Credit to Pokedude97).

  • Collected all the Royal Sigils.

    The Royal Sigils are depicted on the map as a sword, which also looks like a cross.

    There are 13 Sigils in all, the first being obtained early in the story (See: Royal Protection). Five more will be available as you fill out the map and make your way to Galdin Quay.

    Once you complete the original main quest (See: A Glaive's Duty), you'll unlock a new set of missions with the objective of obtaining the remaining seven. There's a big difficulty spike at this point, which will prove to be difficult if you're trying to complete this purely offline. You immediately unlock a tough Urgent quest that stands between you and this new content. Either go through measures to beef up your character if you haven't already, or rely on the kindness of strangers to get past this and the other Urgent quests along the way. Some paths can only be accessed via Chocobo. This requires your Chocobo to have good enough stats in certain areas to reach new locations. My LV 99 Chocobo was capable reaching every area (See: Birdybuilder).

    When you're one Sigil away, you'll gain access to a path to Insomnia. This is where the final Sigil is located and can only be obtained upon defeating a new final boss. Once again, you're forced to deal with AI teammates. One way to defeat it is by making sure your Fire Resistance is at 100% and equipping "The Fierce's Sigil: Rampage" (found after finishing the first story section). With this, you can almost endlessly warp strike the boss taking little damage in the process. In doing so, you'll build up a meter similar to the Armiger. Once filled, you can unleash "All Creation" for some solid damage. The boss is predicable, so once you learn his moves, you should be able to react accordingly. It's not a guaranteed strategy, but it makes this fight doable if you're underleveled/underpowered. It'll just be a boring 20-30 min fight.

    Note: In your journey to acquire the remaining Sigils, you'll unlock a new Outpost along the way. Once you are able to elect a leader, go with the guy who would open up an Item Shop. The items he sells are fantastic when building up weapons. Such as the Curved Hollowhorn, which give +25 STR making it the most efficient way to build up strength in weapons. Be sure the stop by there and stock up!

    Standalone Auto-Pop: You'll receive this automatically when you log on (Credit to Pokedude97).

  • Completed the Comrades quest with all four characters.

    One new Quest in this update puts you in the shoes of either Noctis, Gladio, Prompto, or Ignis taking place late in the main story. In the Quest Select menu (by talking to Monica) go to last tab titled "Future". You'll see one lone quest: "Comrades: Departure". For this trophy, you'll need to complete this quest with each character. Levels and stats are set, so your Comrades character has no bearing on this whatsoever.

    This shouldn't cause much trouble. Especially if you're already familiar with how each of the characters play. It may drag on as you're doing the same quest four times, and each run takes about 20-25 minutes when accounting for load times and whatnot. You can do this online or with AI companions. It's easier online with human players, but I wouldn't consider the AI useless either. I never had the AI get KO'd, so they'll likely survive until the end.

    The quest is compiled of five sections:

    1. Simply progressing and killing enemies along the way.
    2. Escort: Protecting a truck. Only two waves to worry about. No serious threat. The truck will barely take damage.
    3. Defend: Defend a building from a Magitek assault (with some Flan sprinkled in). Only 32 enemies who will barely knock down the building's health so long as you're paying attention. This is followed by three Mechs who spawn too far from the building to put it in any real danger.
    4. Once again, simply progress taking out Magitek soldiers along the way. You'll face a Demon Wall midway through.
    5. King Behemoth fight. Far and away the most difficult part of this. Luckily, there's a good amount of food around if you ever need to respawn. Remember to utilize each character's special maneuvers and techniques.

    Standalone Auto-Pop: All you need to do is complete it once with any of the four (credit to Pokedude97).

  • Defeated three Rulers of Yore.

    Bonus Quests are a new addition to the standalone version. You have eight quest to complete (and a ninth once you finish all of those).

    For this trophy, you need to defeat each of the Rulers of Yore (aka the great Kings of the past). Each one has its own quest. They're LV 52 quests. As with any difficult fight, I highly recommend playing online. With strong allies, these are a breeze.

  • Bonus Quests are a new addition to the standalone version. You have eight quest to complete (and a ninth once you finish all of those).

    For this trophy, you need to defeat the classic boss Deathgaze in all its oldschool glory. It's a LV 50 quest. As with any difficult fight, I highly recommend playing online. With strong allies, these are a breeze. I, personally, was able to beat this one with three AI allies relatively easily. So, if you've been able to beat the story quests and unlocked all Sigils, this shouldn't pose much of a threat.

2 trophies

  • Completed all Bonus Quests.

    Bonus Quests are a new addition to the standalone version. You have eight quests to complete (and a ninth once you finish all of those). You don't need to complete the 9th quest. If you've completed the story quests, and unlocked all Sigils, you'll find most fairly easy with AI teammates. If any are causing you trouble, don't hesitate to try to find people online. If you're able to get matched up with strong allies, most these are a breeze.

    I say "most" because Ardyn and Ravus are challenging no matter your strength. See Vanquisher of Villainy for more details.

Secret trophies

  • Defeated Ardyn and Ravus.

    This is the eighth Bonus Quest, and by far the most difficult of the eight. It's a LV 99 quest that pits you against LV 110 versions of Ardyn and Ravus (at the same time). My recommendation is to build a Dragon Whisker lance two Penetration X abilities. This allows you to break through their resistances, making it easier to damage them (See here for more details on the Dragon Whisker, and other good builds). I suggest going focusing on one at a time. Sooner you defeat one, the easier of a time you're going to have. Don't be afraid to warp away. In my experience, they won't hit you while you're hanging. So if you got a teammate who's a tank, you can simply chill up high while they do all the dirty work.

1 trophies

    Secret trophies

    • Once you defeat Ardyn and Ravis (see: Vanquisher of Villainy), you'll unlock a ninth Bonus Quest. For this Lv99 fight, you'll be going toe-to-toe with the infamous Kenny Crow mascot.

      If you're looking for the simplest route, hop online, use the Cheer Sigil, then stand back and cheer on your teammates. This will give them boosts. So long as Kenny Crow is distracted by your teammates, he won't bother you. If your allies are strong enough, Kenny Crow should eventually fall. If you're looking to fight him head on, check out this link for how to build the Dragon Whisker lance. Try to also get 100% bullet resistance. Kenny Crow has a devastating light sword move that can instantly knock you out, forcing you to use a food item if you have one. Be wary of which moves he's doing. If you think he's about to use the sword move, run.


    Source: https://www.playstationtrophies.org/game/final-fantasy-xv-multiplayer-comrades-eu/guide/

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